Toshinori Kondo


  1. 小夜曲 / Eine Kleine Nacht Musik (4'17")
  2. 焼夷弾の夜 / A Night of Incendiary Bombs (2'27")
  3. 父は穴を掘る / Father Dug A Hole (4'46")
  4. 父親のブルース / Father’s Blues (3'29")
  5. 焼け跡 / The Debris (1'36")
  6. お菓子の木 / A Tree of Sweets (5'18")
  7. 夢の木 / A Tree of Dream (6'23")
  8. 入道雲 / Thunder Head Cloud (3'48")
  9. 夕暮れのトランペット / Trumpet at Sunset (1'36")
  10. 夜明けに / At Dawn (5'32")
  11. 希望の祈り / Pray of Hope (4'37")
  12. 飛んでけ / Tondeke (4'34")
The War Fairy Tales / 戦争童話集



近藤等則 Toshinori Kondo : Electric Trumpet and Vocal on Tr.7
仲野茂 Shigeru Nakano : Vocal on Tr.3
Kids of Nakanoshima : Vocal on Tr.6
Ubadama : Sequential Tracks on Tr.6 & 7
Channel K : Sequential Tracks

Words of Tr.4 & Tr.8 were written by Kiyoshi Nakahata, Tr.7 by T.Kondo

All the songs were composed by Toshinori Kondo, exept Tr.1 by Mozart

Recorded in Amsterdam and Kawasaki in 1999

Short animation movie series "The War Fairy Tales" based on the stories by Akiyuki Nosaka, and visualized by Seitaro Kuroda, was broadcasted on NHK-BS every summer from 1995 to 1999 (All soundtracks by Toshinori Kondo).
This album represents soundtracks for tenth story " My Bunker" and eleventh story "A tree of sweets in the bombarded ruins".

This album is available @ Toshinori Kondo Recordings only !