響命 : 地球を吹く in 楢葉町 2017.3.11
RESONATING LIVES : Blow The Earth in Naraha, Fukushima 2017.3.11

Toshinori Kondo

TKRecordings (Japan)


  1. 郷愁 Nostalgia (2'00")
  2. 永遠に強かれ Be Strong Forever (7'37")
  3. 小さな星の唄 A Song for The Small Planet (6'46")
  4. 忘れられよかふるさと楢葉 Never Forget, Hometown Naraha (6'20")
  5. 夕暮れ Sun Down (2'13")
  6. 山の彼方 Beyond The Mountains (5'51")
  7. 光の中 In The Light (6'33")
  8. 祈るいのち Lives Pray (7'10")
  9. 躍動 Life Dance (5'23")
  10. 春桜 Cherry Blossoms in Spring (7'03")
地球を吹く in 楢葉町 2017.3.11
Blow The Earth in Naraha, Fukushima



All songs & tracks are composed and played by Toshinori Kondo

  • 近藤等則 Toshinori Kondo : Electric Trumpet, Tracks
  • 山木秀夫 Hideo Yamaki : V-Drums (M-9 only)

Based on the Recorded Live at Tenjin-Misaki Sports Park, 2017,3,11

This album is available @ Toshinori Kondo Recordings only !