イズラエル ISRAEL

近藤等則 Toshinori Kondo


  1. Desert melody Part 1 (3'24")
  2. Cosmic vib. (宇宙波動) (6'22")
  3. Surrender for cry (泣かずにはいられない) (4'38")
  4. Desert melody Part 2 (3'43")
  5. Space temple (5'41")
  6. Nature-techno trance (4'58")
  7. 郷愁 -Nostalgy- (2'30")
  8. Desert melody Part 3 (2'35")
  9. Desert melody Part 4 (45")
  10. A love of Jerusalem (いとしのエルサレム) (5'32")
  11. A spirit by The Dead Sea (3'31")
  12. Soul is landing (2'11")
  13. Theme of Nazareth (1'49")
Silent Melodies


All songs composed and perfomed by Toshinori Kondo

M-1, 4, 7, 8, 9, performed at the Negev Desert,
M-11 performed at the Eingedi,
M-12 performed at jazz club, Jerusalem,
M-13 performed by the Sea of Galilee, December 1993.

M-2, 3, 5, 6, 10 recorded in Amsterdam, Jury 1994.

This CD is attached in the book "Israel"